My Memoria symbolically began very early, with the inaugural Sky Meadow Mystery School event in Vermont; at that time there were just the first hints of change, tiny patches of russet in an arboreal sea of green, spreading almost imperceptibly during our magical week in the mountains.
Now Fall has finally fallen; an exceptionally dry season so far has left the river low and the trees uncertain, but as of yesterday the change is sudden and undeniable.
Now the river runs red and gold and it’s time to adjust.
I’ve repositioned the Duende/vanitas shrine, and as always rotated and adjusted the Duende so that it’s facing to the left (symbolically, “the past”) and is crowned with ivy and Fall leaves. I’ll see the flowers again in about six months.
We have also established our Memoria seasonal shrine to departed friends and family.
A few weeks ago we attended the local Apple Festival and stocked up on apple doughnuts, and soon we’ll make our annual pilgrimage to Pilsen for the National Museum of Mexican Art’s Day of the Dead exhibit, followed by burritos at a nearby restaurant. I’ll also be taking part in the Haunted Halstead Halloween Parade – my one seasonal nod to the “cute fear” of modern Halloween.
The soulful highlight of the Memoria season, however, will be my annual reconsecration of my Duende amulet, at midnight around November the 1st. Incense and leaves will burn, words will be spoken, honey tasted and water poured, beneath a certain tree, beside a certain river. Memento mori ergo carpe diem …