
At midnight on November the first, 2020 – the first of the Days of the Dead in Mexican tradition, the night after Halloween when, according to custom and poetic sentiment, the veils between the worlds are thinnest and magic is possible, I consecrated my newly-assembled totenpass amulet. As I write these words, I can still … Read moreTotenpass

Unboxing an Antique Ghost Show (Plus an Illustrated History of Spookological Fakery for Fun and Profit)

On the evening of November 16 (US time), Morbid Anatomy will be hosting a live Zoom presentation of the antique seance/ghost show props I inherited from my dad’s magic collection: The eschatological crises of the First World War and the 1918 influenza pandemic sparked a massive revival of the practice of Spiritualist séances. Whereas some … Read moreUnboxing an Antique Ghost Show (Plus an Illustrated History of Spookological Fakery for Fun and Profit)

Learning How to Die in the Anthropocene (2013)

A sobering New York Times essay by Roy Scranton: The human psyche naturally rebels against the idea of its end. Likewise, civilizations have throughout history marched blindly toward disaster, because humans are wired to believe that tomorrow will be much like today — it is unnatural for us to think that this way of life, … Read moreLearning How to Die in the Anthropocene (2013)

Dear Guardians: A Burning Man Short Film (2014)

From the creator’s website: In 2011, I stood in the shadow of the Temple of Transition. I taped a photograph of my wife’s recently deceased father to the inside of an archway. I roamed her hallways, silent. I witnessed a beauty that brought me to my knees, as Mike Ventimiglia writes: “I don’t know if I’ve … Read moreDear Guardians: A Burning Man Short Film (2014)

Dying and Living: An Immersive Online Experience (October 21-25, 2020)

Dying and Living is an online festival of presentations about the Big Question of mortality, presented by Science and Nonduality: This gathering is centered around the theme of Dying and Living. Our world is going through challenges, upheaval and confusion. Death feels closer. False beliefs, obsolete structures, and ideas of separateness are falling away. Reclaiming … Read moreDying and Living: An Immersive Online Experience (October 21-25, 2020)

Stephen Jenkinson – the Meaning of Death

Canadian teacher, author, storyteller, cultural activist and farmer Stephen Jenkinson offers words of deep wisdom on the subject of “finding meaning” in death. Currently in abeyance due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Jenkinson’s Orphan Wisdom School waits to re-open its doors. In the meantime, fortunately, his interviews and other works are widely available.

Odyssey of the Dead (2019)

According to ceremonialist Daniel Lev Shkolnik: In the oldest story in existence, Gilgamesh crosses the sea of death in search of immortality. In Greek mythology, Charon ferries souls across the river Styx to Hades. In ancient Egypt, departed souls were thought to travel with Ra on the solar bark to reach the sacred field of … Read moreOdyssey of the Dead (2019)

Autumnal Equinox Memorial Altar 2020

I started creating this bookshelf altar during the day and evening of September 22, which was the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. The altar features a colorful scattering of dead leaves gathered during my evening walks, a copper string of white lights, a mirror for self-reflection, an incense holder, a small jar of home-mixed … Read moreAutumnal Equinox Memorial Altar 2020